
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Again.. Night in Level 1..

As usual, came down to Level 1 to study.. Yeah.. study.. how much time I have exactly spent in study? I cant tell.. came down with piles of books and comp.. but not exactly every books I have flipped through.. what happen to me recently? I am puzzled.

Thinking of coming down to study.. bacause here, I have friends, can save electricity, can stay with Howard, can play with friends...but one thing I cant concentrate is my studies.. how come? test is coming.. assignments are coming..OMG!!!!..perhaps I get used to study in my own room.. i think it is better for me to stick to my original study methods..

recently, I always argue with Howard. Even a minor stuff can lead us to argument. Is it because of my ill-temper or because of his male chauvinism? I don't know.. among his n my friends, we seems to be a well-matched couple.. but who knows we have been through many minor arguments that we didnt bring up..

Everytime being blamed by someone doesnt feel good.. but I know sometime I should take the blame also.. I am sorry...hope things will be better soon..

Once again, Good Morning, my friends..^^

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